Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What's the Use of a HOOKUP BADGE

                  (INSTRUCTIONS BELOW)

In online dating you surely would not know which person you chat or talk to is real or fake, as you only communicate through phone or computer. If you're a man and you doubt if women on dating sites are real, they also do the same for men they meet on there that's why they ask for your Hookup Badge.

You are trying to determine if the Internet can be safe for online dating. There are hundreds of ways to meet new people online but there are risks from online dating ads can be scary. The safety of online dating is one to carefully consider when setting up Internet dating profiles and we can help make it safer for you and for your contacts.

The simple answer is yes! The fact is that online dating sites provide a great opportunity to expand your horizons. However, many people stay away from them because they are concerned about getting scammed or conned. Still others report being worried about not knowing who they are really dealing with when they meet someone online. This is where verifying an ID comes in handy! Most of us would feel better if we knew we were viewing a verified online dating profile right? Yes, of course because this would tell us that the person we are dealing with is real and they are not hiding something if they took the time to be verified.

Why online dating verification works We take online identity verification seriously. We do the legwork so you feel confident that people are who they claim they are. We make sure to match up photos, identification cards and people’s names. We even provide code so people can embed their verification site seal on their websites and other online profiles. In order to be valid, the code must be placed by the user: If someone else posts the code they get a warning the verification is not valid. This is one of the reasons we are gaining popularity. We not only verify people but we take extra steps to make sure no invalid person can use someone else code.
What about security? Because we make sure that only one person can use a verification site seal code, we make sure that your information is secure. You show only what you want to show on your profile, you have complete control. However, it’s also up to you to make sure your contacts are verified as well. If people refuse to have their identity verified here you should ask yourself what they are trying to hide. This is especially true when you are using online dating sites to meet new people since you never know where a person lives or if they are even real.
When verification is helpful Verification of ID on any site is beneficial. It protects users at all levels of interaction from the first shared email to the time you finally meet face-to-face. After all, you know if someone has taken the time to verify their identity the person you are meeting is real, their photo is real and they are using their real name.

The Internet offers a significant degree of anonymity but the problem with this is it often leaves people feeling vulnerable to fraudulent transactions and people who are nameless and faceless. You can minimize the risks from online dating ads by using verification of ID. It’s not perfect but until the Internet decides that everyone must display a real name and a real photo, it’s the best possible option for staying safe at online dating sites. 
This ID is used all over the world, commonly in Australia(au), Canada(ca), New Zealand(nz), United States(us), and United Kingdom(uk).

When the Page is up

PAGE 1:Fill up the form with your User Name, Password and Email then HIT NEXT.

PAGE 2: Fill up the form with your correct and same details so site will recognize you that you are the same person,
Note:Do not forget to UNCHECKED the small circle button that says SPECIAL OFFER to avoid unwanted charges

PAGE 3:Press the Green Button and Click Verify
​​​Note: ​If the ​Green Button doesn't appear ​Or your Card has been declined, try these alternative access:​​
Do not forget to UNCHECKED the small circle button that says SPECIAL OFFER to avoid unwanted charges

After you done the instruction kindly send me your freshly PICTURE with FULL NAME so that we can update your account immediately and process your printed  ANTI- FAKE VERIFICATION

If you need a technical support you may email us and we appreciate to help you

 EMAIL US : morgangarcia018@gmail.com